10 Wonderful Phrases About The Art Of Travel

Travel is much more than fun or relaxing experiences. That is what we see when we read the phrases about the art of travel that many philosophers and thinkers have bequeathed us.
10 wonderful phrases about the art of travel

There are many philosophers and great people who have reflected on travel. Some of them have bequeathed us beautiful phrases about the art of traveling. They are little capsules of wisdom that allow us to appreciate all the meaning of packing our bags and going somewhere else.

Many doctors and psychologists agree that travel is essential to our good physical and mental health. This is because these experiences generate great changes in us and open us towards much broader personal and intellectual dimensions.

The phrases about the art of traveling emphasize precisely this question. Going somewhere else is generating a turning point in life. It is not only about rest, but it is also a liberating experience that enhances facets of us that are asleep.

Two beautiful phrases about the art of traveling

Traveler in the mountains

Amin Maalouf has given us one of those beautiful phrases about the art of traveling. He says: ” Never hesitate to go far, beyond all seas, all borders, all countries, all beliefs.” It is an invitation to break the limits and understand that the world is much wider than the little bit we inhabit every day.

This idea is ratified in this phrase by Saint Augustine who states: ” The world is a book , and those who do not travel read only one page. ” When we get wrapped up in routine and stay in the same comfort zone for too long, we miss out on multiple experiences and learnings.

Traveling is knowing you

Traveler in a cave

Travel is not only a way to get to know, but also to get to know ourselves. This is one of the phrases about the art of traveling that reminds us: ” The further I go, the closer I get to myself. ” We owe it to Andrew McCarthy and it shows that, as they say, getting lost we find ourselves.

Something similar is what John Steinbeck proposes in this sentence: ” People do not make trips, it is trips that make people. ” A good part of who we are we owe it to those experiences that we find when we overflow the portal of our house.

André Gidé also ratifies it in a sensational way in this statement: “ Only in adventure do some people get to know themselves, find themselves ”. We never know how far we reach, until we spread our wings and allow ourselves to fly.

Traveling changes you

Traveler in a monument

Without a doubt, travel transforms us. One of the phrases about the art of traveling that best expresses it is the following: ” Traveling leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller. ” This reflection, by Ibn Battuta, suggests that by traveling we also write a new chapter in our own history.

Gustave Flaubert, for his part, shows us another of the facets of change that arise during a trip. He says: “ Traveling makes you modest. It makes you see the small place you occupy in the world ”. Is right. Pride is very typical of those who are kept in narrow compartments, in which they are not exposed to the different.

In turn, Henry Miller refers us to the true essence of travel and the traveler. In this regard, he says: ” Our travel destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. ” In reality, the fundamental thing about a trip is not where we are going, but the force that that experience has to change our way of seeing the world.

Phrases about the art of traveling: the good traveler

Woman looking at the horizon

This is one of the phrases about the art of travel that was said thousands of years ago, by Lao Tzu. He points out: ” A good traveler has no fixed plans or the intention of arriving. ” Thoroughbred travelers don’t need a reason to travel, or a place to go. They simply enjoy going out to discover all that world that they do not know.

The last sentence of our selection is anonymous, but no less inspiring. He says: ” We do not travel to escape life, but so that life does not escape from us. ” You are absolutely right. To undertake a journey is not to flee from our life, but rather to seek the opportunity to intensely experience that existence.

As you can see, travel is much more than entertainment or fun. It is a stance in life that requires confidence, curiosity and a desire to learn. Traveling is always an adventure because we do not know what we are going to find on our journey. The most important thing is that, in one way or another, all roads lead us closer to ourselves.

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