4 Secrets Of Ghoubet Bay, Djibouti

Located in the Horn of Africa, this bay offers you, among many other attractions, the possibility of seeing whale sharks up close.
4 secrets of Ghoubet Bay, Djibouti

We are going to the Horn of Africa, to Djibouti. Ghoubet Bay, at the western end of the Gulf of Tadjoura, is an idyllic place. It hides numerous secrets, and we want to show you some of them. Without a doubt, they will not leave you indifferent. Can you come with us?

1. In Ghoubet Bay you will see whale sharks

Between the months of November and January here you will see a unique show. Ghoubet Bay is one of the few places in the world where these animals approach the shore.

This allows tourists to get up close to the gigantic and personable creatures, making it easier for them to observe them. Of course, you have to maintain a minimum distance of about four meters.

Whale shark in Ghoubet Bay

2. Offers a wide variety of activities

Anyone visiting Ghoubet Bay will be able to choose from a wide variety of water activities, so swimming trunks can not be forgotten. If you just want to relax, just lie down on the sand and enjoy the delicious sea breeze, the rays of the sun and the most absolute calm.

But perhaps you prefer to alternate the aquatic environment with other different possibilities related to nature. In that case, you can go to other places in the area. We will see these in the next section, but an example is doing a walking route in the Goda mountains area.

3. It has a wonderful natural environment

Lake Assal
Lake Assal

In the surroundings of Ghoubet Bay you can discover other natural wonders such as Lake Assal. It is the lowest point in all of Africa, as its depression is located 155 meters below sea level in the Afar depression. In addition, it is the most saline aqueous body in the world outside of Antarctica.

The area in which Lake Assal is located, 19 kilometers long and 7 kilometers wide, is wild and desert, so it does not present either flora or fauna. But there are a series of hot springs of different salinity and pools that attract hundreds of tourists every year.

From Lake Assal we head to the Goda Mountains, which are located in a vast national park and of which its mountainous forest stands out. In it you can see many unusual plants and animals. In fact, the lucky ones will be able to spot leopards or antelopes in their natural habitat.

Nor can we forget the Devil’s Islands, a small archipelago, since it only consists of two islands (Ginni Kôma and Ounda Ginni Kôma). They are in the Gulf of Tadjourah, as is the Bay of Ghoubet. They are of volcanic origin and are shaped like relatively regular ocher cones.

4. It is located near Djibouti capital

Beach in Djibouti
Beach in Djibouti – Ryan Kilpatrick / Flickr.com

Ghoubet Bay is located 65 kilometers from the capital of Djibouti, of the same name, so you should take advantage of the proximity to also visit the place. One of its attractions are its beaches  (Khor Ambado, Dorale …), perfect for relaxing or doing activities such as scuba diving.

It is also worth visiting the Le Marche Central market , where you can buy everything from seafood to exotic fruits. And don’t miss the presidential palace, which looks like a building from the colonial era and is the most important construction in the city. Or the Hamoudi mosque, white in color and built in 1906.

It is equally recommended to visit the port, the national stadium or the Tropical Aquarium, where you can see a great variety of animals. All this, without forgetting to walk through the city center, which was planned in such a way that a European and an African zone were established. Currently, this division is non-existent.

We hope that after knowing all the secrets that Ghoubet Bay keeps, you will be encouraged to visit it. It is little known, but it has a lot to offer for you to enjoy a more than unique experience, don’t you think? The worst thing will be to return home and to the daily routine later.

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