7 Beaches In The World Where You Will Find Sharks

7 beaches in the world where you will find sharks

The beaches are usually paradises of turquoise colors with fine white sands. We all love beaches, but some can be really dangerous. Before planning your trip, know the coastal areas where you will find sharks .

1. Smyrna Beach in Florida

Beach in florida
Florida, USA – Jon Bilous

The largest number of sharks in the world is recorded on this beach, there are at least 40 species of sharks, although the most seen are gray sharks, hammerheads, tigers and bull sharks, which has made it accumulate more than one dozen incidents annually.

The National Geographic states that anyone who has swam in that beach  has been within 3 meters of a shark, so before diving into those beautiful beaches of Atlantic waters you should think twice.

2. Point St. Johns beach in South Africa

With more than 200 attacks in recent years, South Africa is one of the most famous countries for shark attacks, the beach at Point St. Johns is where the white shark and the bull shark appear the most.

Beware of the charm of this crystal clear water and white sand beach, a luxury to enjoy the picturesque islands of St. Johns but which was closed in 2012 after the sixth deadly shark attack in the last five years.

3. Brisbane in Australia

Australia’s coasts are teeming with sharks of all kinds, but most attacks occur off the east coast, in the colder waters of the south, home to walruses and white giants.

There are stories of shark attacks on beaches like Adelaide, Sydney and even Perth on the west coast. However, no beach is absolutely safe, as in addition to large sharks you can also find poisonous snakes and jellyfish. There are statistics that indicate that more than 60 people have died on these beaches by shark attacks.

4. Maui in Hawaii

Beach on Maui in Hawaii
Maui Beach, Hawaii – TomKli

Hawaii is a paradise of beaches without comparison, but the reality is that there have been more than 100 shark attacks in the last century, of which more than 30 have been on Maui.

Hawaii has about 40 different species of sharks, including the occasionally aggressive tiger sharks, so it is not surprising that fatal incidents occur. That is why places like the aforementioned Maui or the neighboring island of Oahu become places as exuberant and beautiful as they are lethal.

5. Shark Alley in Gansbaai in South Africa

Shark Alley in South Africa
Shark Alley, South Africa – Pete Niesen

Shark Alley is a narrow channel between two small islands off the coast of Gansbaai, in these waters inhabit the densest population of great white sharks in the world.

A charming fishing village is located in Shark Alley and is a holiday destination east of Cape Town. If you want to dive into a cage to see large sharks, this is the ideal place to do it.

6. Bolinas Beach, Northern California

Beach in california
California, USA – Sergey Yechikov

This small enclave, just north of San Francisco, is located in the “red triangle”, an area marked by the high density of giant white sharks.

On this beach there is a large population of elephants and sea lions, food for white sharks, who, when it comes to eating, do not distinguish between a sea lion and a surfer.

7. Kosi Bay in South Africa

Kosi Bay is located in KwaZulu Natal, a dramatically beautiful and unspoiled corner of South African paradise. Kosi Bay is a set of four lakes that connect with the waters of the Indian Ocean where birds, crocodiles and species of all kinds abound.

Bull sharks are famous for strolling into freshwater lakes and rivers in search of food, especially in the fish-rich waters of Kosi Bay.

The beauty of these beaches can be deceiving and contain dangers that some do not expect. If you travel to any of them, you already know, be very careful.

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