The Most Spectacular Artificial Beaches In The World

The most spectacular artificial beaches in the world

We are not always “lucky” to be able to bathe in the sea and build sand castles with our little ones. Sometimes we opt for a vacation spot that does not have a beach and it seems to us that we have not met our “coastal” quota for the year. However, there are places that have fantastic artificial beaches.

For many, without waves and salt water there is no journey. Are you one of them? Then these beautiful artificial beaches will enchant you! You will hardly realize that they are not true. Get to know them in the following article.

Original beaches, artificial beaches

Who said that only natural beaches are the best for our trips? Of course, if we had to choose, we would stick with those that have not been created by man, but we do not always have that opportunity. Many cities that do not have sand and sea have decided to build their own paradises.

1. Ocean Dome (Japan)

You can already imagine how great this place is, like everything that is built in Japanese lands. It is the largest in the world in its category and is located on the island of Kyushu.

Ocean Dome artificial beach
Ocean Dome, Japan – Megapixie /

Its advanced technology has managed to recreate a paradisiacal Caribbean beach. It has “fake” waves, palm trees, fine sand and a temperature similar to that of Central America. As if that were not enough, it has covered areas in case you are more toasted than a shrimp and want to rest in the shade.

In total, the complex is 300 meters long and 100 meters wide and includes a beautiful image of a Caribbean horizon so that you can take hundreds of photos and say that you have been to Isla Margarita or Punta Cana. Although the truth is that to travel to Japan just to get to know this beach … better go to the Caribbean directly!

2. Tropical Islands (Germany)

It is located 37 kilometers from Berlin, in Brandenburg. It has, in addition to fine white sand, some beautiful waterfalls and … a tropical jungle with 50,000 plants!  The complex includes, in turn, lagoons, an amusement park, a spa, hotels, restaurants and shops. In summer season it offers many events, activities and shows.

Artificial beach Tropical Islands in Berlin
Tropical Islands, Berlin – Lis í Jákupsstovu /

If you are in the German capital perhaps you can take a walk through the Strandbar Mitte, a kind of sandy spa but without the possibility of enjoying the sea, only with views of the river and the beautiful city. But, with a good beer and a comfortable chair… it will become an excellent plan!

3. Mangualde (Portugal)

It is located in the north-central part of the country, more precisely in the district of Viseu. The complex called “Live Beach Mangualde” has 22,500 m² and is the largest artificial beach in Europe. The facilities allow you to lie in the sun, bathe in salt water, play in the fine sand and do all kinds of water sports.

It also offers several restaurants and musical shows. On its official website you can find interesting information to reserve your place and know the scheduled events of the season.

4. South Bank Parklands (Australia)

Man-made beach in Brisbane
South Bank Parklands, Brisbane – ChameleonsEye /

When we think of this huge country in Oceania, we imagine young tanned men with their surfboards running across the sand. But that happens in Sydney or Melbourne! The city of Brisbane is not so lucky , although it does have a beautiful artificial beach.

It was created in the meanders of a river and has even a lifeguard with his guard post. If you look around, don’t worry, the tall buildings won’t block the sun.

5. Moreras (Spain)

Artificial beach of Valladolid
Las Moreras beach, Valladolid – Ángel /

In Valladolid this beach is located that you will not be able to believe is not natural. In summer it is full of people and umbrellas. The sand flows into the Pisuerga River and very close to there is a beautiful bridge, houses and brick buildings. Perfect for breaded steaks, sandwiches or any “snack” to pass the time. The spa dates from 1951 and has a great history behind it.

6. Nottingham Riviera (England)

Nottingham Riviera man-made beach
Nottingham Riviera – Brian Fagan /

It is very strange to see how in the middle of a British city we find a beach. It is a place chosen by families and is full of children in the water. At this very urban point you can enjoy not only the sun, but also nearby attractions … in the old Market Square.

To build it, 300 tons of sand were needed. Includes games for children, fairground rides and a beach bar.

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