Enjoy The Best Sunsets In Spain

The sunset has something magical that captures without remedy. We are going to enjoy the best sunsets in Spain.
Enjoy the best sunsets in Spain

The contemplation of beautiful sunsets can become the indelible memory of a trip. Few things can be as inspiring and as intimate as that light show that is repeated every afternoon, but when one stands to admire it, one is trapped by its spell. So we are going to show you the best sunsets in Spain.

Sometimes we associate the most beautiful sunsets with the sea, and the reflection of the sunset on the waters can be a very attractive picture. However, also in the interior there can be suggestive sunsets, as we tell you below:

1. Looking at the Alhambra, one of the most beautiful sunsets in Spain

Alhambra of Granada
Alhambra of Granada – emperorcosar

We begin with one of the most beautiful sunsets in Spain, which is far from the sea. And not only that, but it has Sierra Nevada as its background. This view is none other than the sunset from the San Nicolás viewpoint towards the Nasrid palace of the Alhambra. A picture sung by poets and musicians, and photographed every day by thousands of tourists.

2. From Benirrás in Ibiza

Cala Benirrás in Ibiza
Cala Benirrás – Arsen Voronyy

Another of the most photographed sunsets in Spain: the one enjoyed from the Benirrás cove in Ibiza. A mythical sunset from the island’s hippie years. This moment is still celebrated today with people who play their drums and dance to the rhythm of music on the shore of the Mediterranean. An essential appointment during a vacation in Ibiza.

3. From the Trafalgar lighthouse

Trafalgar lighthouse
Trafalgar Lighthouse – Juan Manuel Jimenez Vazquez

Also by the sea, but in the Atlantic, we can contemplate in the province of Cádiz one of the most impressive sunsets in Spain. You have to go to the bucolic town of Caños de Meca and take a walk to the historic site of the Trafalgar lighthouse. There are incredible views there, which also evoke times of great ships and naval battles.

4. In Las Médulas

Las Médulas in León
Las Médulas – Víctor Gómez / Flickr.com

We return to the interior, to the province of León, to see another exceptional sunset. These are the ones seen in the old Roman gold mines that were excavated in Las Médulas. A landscape that is seductive at any time of the day, but with the colors of the sunset it acquires epic overtones. Just for these minutes it is worth a trip to Leon.

5. In Finisterre

Spanish lighthouses: Finsiterre
Finisterre Lighthouse – Botond Horvath

In front of this place in A Coruña an infinite Atlantic Ocean opens up that always provokes thoughts and evocations. But if we see that same picture with the sun setting below the horizon and staining the sky and the sea red, it is not difficult to think that there is nothing beyond it, that we are really at the “End of the Earth”. Wow, one of the most inspiring sunsets in Spain.

6. In the Mar Menor

Mar Menor
Mar Menor – José Luis Salgado

Few places in the Spanish Levante allow one to stand at dawn at a point and see the sunrise. And return hours later to the same place, to later contemplate how the sun hides again in the waters of the sea. That is possible to see and enjoy in La Manga del Mar Menor, in Murcia. The best viewpoints, in the final area of ​​La Manga.

7. Sunset on Teide

Teide one of the most beautiful sunsets in Spain
Teide – RossHelen

We end with another of the sublime sunsets that can be enjoyed in Spain. But in this case the show requires a greater effort. You have to go up to the base of Teide, to the point where you have to leave the car. Sometimes to get there you have to cross banks of clouds, but the magic is that the day above can be clear.

If so, that sunset will be spectacular, since behind the conical profile of the volcano the sun will be hiding until it plunges into that sea of ​​clouds, which at times look like cotton.

Without a doubt, the displacement and the cold that will pass are worth it, because for a few moments you think that you are in the most beautiful place on the planet. And that is precisely the feeling that the best sunsets in Spain provide.

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