Four Days In London: Ideas For A Getaway

We have put together a short guide to enjoying the greatest number of London attractions in just four days. An intense but unforgettable getaway.
Four days in London: ideas for a getaway

Four days in London go a long way. They are not enough to get to know the city in depth (it is never enough for a city as vast as this one), but if we take advantage of the time we can enjoy many of its charms. Here is our proposal. An intense planning , although not excessively tight, to enjoy each visit and leave something for future trips to the British capital.

Four days in London: day one

Buckingham Palace in London
Buckingham Palace

We will start with one of the most famous corners of London: Trafalgar Square. Take a good morning walk around here, before it collapses, although throughout the day we will return. Our steps will take us to Picadilly Circus, where its neon lights will already be on even if it is morning.

From there we descend towards Buckingham Palace. Stay tuned because if it’s 11 o’clock maybe the formal changing of the guard will begin. If not, continue the walk to Westminster Abbey and Parliament, where Big Ben rises.

What a ride! You are tired? Well, find a pub to eat something. Calmly regain your strength, because we must go back to Trafalgar Square, although we can do it on the subway. There we invite you to enter the National Gallery. It’s free and you can spend the afternoon among works by unique artists such as Leonardo, Turner or Velázquez.

Time passes quickly and it is almost time for dinner, for which you will find many places around Picadilly. In addition, you may see the poster of a show that you want to attend.

Second day in London

London Millennium Bridge
Millennium Bridge and St. Paul’s Cathedral

Another of London’s symbols is its river, the Thames. We will start the day on its shores. There is the Tate Modern, another free museum, but now of contemporary art, which you might like better. If not, you can always go up to the museum terrace to take in the views.

From there you will see the neighboring Theater The Globe, the place where he premiered many of his Shakespeare plays and which we invite you to visit. The guided tours are educational and highly entertaining.

After that, cross the river on the modern Millennium Bridge, designed by Norman Foster. And from there you can already see our next destination: the Cathedral of San Pablo with its grandiose dome. Admire this impressive building and then find a place to eat quietly, as well as have a pint.

Then a relaxed afternoon awaits us. We will take the tube to see the exclusive shops of Oxford Street. If you have to give a gift or you want to buy something, it is a good time.

Third day in London

London tower bridge
Tower’s bridge

We have already passed the halfway point of our four days in London. We can also start the third day by going shopping, but now we will go to Portobello Road and Notting Hill. Thus, walking almost unintentionally, we arrived at Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. A fabulous place to eat for a picnic today.

And again look for a metro stop, The Tube, as they call it here for being so narrow. The idea is to get closer in the afternoon to the area of ​​the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge, the most famous mobile bridge in the city.

By it or by the other nearby bridges you can cross the river. Thus we will arrive at the Borough market, in whose stalls we will be able to dine on dishes from any gastronomy in the world.

Fourth and last day in London

British Museum – Ham /

Our four days in London are running out. We are not even going to spend a whole day, since our plane leaves in the afternoon. So we recommend only two visits. One is the British Museum. It is not necessary to enter its rooms, but only its incredible lobby, for which you do not have to pay.

Then head back to the Thames and ride the London Eye. A very expensive Ferris wheel, but the best way to say goodbye to London, having the whole city before our eyes and under our feet.

We got on the London Eye, the London Ferris wheel

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