What To See Near The Parthenon In Athens

What to see near the Parthenon in Athens

The contemplation of the great temple of the Parthenon is already worth the trip to Athens in itself. The Parthenon is one of those monuments that we all know from having seen them a thousand and one times in books, magazines or on TV. And yet, when it is admired in the first person it continues to amaze. But once recovered from the impression, you have to discover many other jewels that are close to you. Which? Coming up next, we tell you.

Where is the Parthenon

Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis – Lambros Kazan

The entire city of Athens is settled on a terrain with different hills. Well, one stands out above all of them, since it has a sacred character since ancient times. It is the Acropolis.

And precisely on the Acropolis is where the remains of the impressive Parthenon rise. However, once we get closer we can see that there are other great monuments of old classical Greece.

The entrance to the Acropolis: the Propylaea

Propylaea in Athens
Propylaea – Dmitri Ometsinsky

The uphill walk to the Acropolis is a real pleasure. It is true that it is uphill, but we recommend that it be done on foot to anyone who does not have physical disabilities. It is worth it, since wonderful views of the whole complex are obtained.

And also, as a reward, the monumental entrance to the sacred precinct is best appreciated. An entrance with some grandiose porticoes and stairways that are known as the Propylaea.

The temple of Athena Nike

Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis of Athens
Temple of Athena Nike – Dimitrios

Once we have crossed the Propylaea, the first thing we come across is a small temple dedicated to the goddess Athena Nike. This temple of the Ionic order is like a kind of prelude before the great Parthenon, which awaits us on the esplanade that we are going to discover after this first marble construction.

The Temple of Erechtheion

Erechtheum near the Parthenon
Erechtheum – Serghei Starus

We have already said that after contemplating the elegant forms of the temple of Athena Nike, a short walk away the wonderful esplanade of the highest area of ​​the Acropolis opens. And once there it is absolutely impossible not to look up at the lofty columns of the Parthenon. Never has a building in ruins been so beautiful and it takes us so long to contemplate it.

But right next to it there is another wonderful jewel of Classical Athens: the temple of the Erechtheion. This work is somewhat later, since it was carried out in the last years of the 5th century BC. For this reason it arose as a work of the Ionic order, somewhat more evolved than the Doric of the Parthenon.

However, its greatest charm resides in the area where the Caryatids are located : columns in the shape of a woman that are the most elegant that Greek sculptors ever made.

The Dionysus Theater and the Odeon

Theater of Dionysus in Athens
Theater of Dionysus – Many Ways

The Parthenon and all the buildings that we have named so far are located on the top of the Acropolis. However, on the slopes of this hill there are also great vestiges of the times when Athens became the cradle of Western civilization.

For example, you can visit two great theaters, one older, that of Dionysus, and another from Roman times, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus.

The truth is that we recommend this walk around the Parthenon and through areas of the Acropolis less traveled by tourists. And, if you are a theater fan, check the dates of the Theater Festival, as you may be able to attend a performance on these stages with centuries and centuries of history.

The Anafiotika neighborhood

Anafitika in Athens
Anafiotika – Haris vythoulkas

Finally, after visiting the site of the Acropolis and the mental journey that it offers us to the times of great men such as Pericles, Socrates or Plato, it is necessary to take a walk through the neighborhood that unfolds in its closest area. It is the Anafiotika neighborhood.

A labyrinth of humble streets that unfold in the shadow of the Parthenon and the rest of the buildings of the Acropolis. A place where you can walk quietly and breathe the essence of today’s Athens, always imbued with the splendor of the past.

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