Medinaceli In Soria, A Walk Through History

Medinaceli in Soria, a walk through history

Located almost in the heart of Spain, in the community of Castilla y León, is Medinaceli, a place with a lot of charm and everything you need for a quiet vacation full of history. Do not forget to pass through this town of Soria and enjoy the Roman and medieval vestiges that are preserved there!

The origins of Medinaceli

The beginnings of this ancient city date back to the time of the Roman Empire  and are located to the east of a hill, very close to a salt mine (which continued to be exploited until 1994). In the surroundings the town was built with its Roman bridge and its source of La Canal, where the water product of the filtration and decantation of the rivers was extracted.

Medinaceli was the border between Muslims and Christians and its streets are so narrow that at certain points it is possible to touch both ends just by extending the arms. For centuries this city has been a strategic point due to its location.

Medinaceli street
Medinaceli Street – M.Peinado

In 1129 King Alfonso I conquered the territories and passed into Castilian hands. In the middle of the 19th century the mines of the city became independent and at the end of the century it grew in such a way that it was considered a municipality as it included several nearby towns (among them Benamira and Torralba del Moral).

Land of Medinaceli, enchanted place

During your stay in this beautiful town you cannot miss the following attractions:

Roman arch

Roman Arch of Medinaceli
Roman Arch – nuriajudit

It is the only one with triple arches that is still preserved in Spain and, although it has a very simple decoration following the Trajan style, it has done its job well for centuries. Conservation is good, although many sectors have worn down over time (without affecting their safety).

Besides fulfilling a decorative function, it was the access to Medinaceli. In ancient times the central arch was for carriages and animals to pass and the side arches for walkers.

Ducal Palace

Ducal Palace of Medinaceli
Doge’s Palace – M.Peinado /

Built in the Renaissance style and built in the 16th century to be the seat of the Medinaceli house. The shields on the facade will catch your eye.

Although its condition has deteriorated considerably due to years of neglect, it has been remodeled trying to respect its original architecture as much as possible. Since 2008 there is a museum on the ground floor.

Main Square

Plaza Mayor of Medinaceli
Plaza Mayor – jx1306

It has an area of ​​5,000 m² and is located on the same site where the Roman forum stood centuries ago. It has been completely paved and restored.

On the eastern side is the Ducal Palace and on the south the Alhóndiga, which was created in the 16th century as a place for commercial transactions and even a prison.

Arab remains

A few meters outside the walls are the ruins of the old Arab refrigerator that was used to preserve food using snow. This vault, on the northern slope of the plateau, can be visited without problems. From there, you will also be able to see the Arab arch, the only door that remains standing among the remains of the wall.

Historical set

Historic helmet
Old town – M.Peinado

For a long time these monuments suffered abandonment due to the depopulation of Medinaceli, due to the crisis in cereal agriculture. Some buildings disappeared forever, but luckily others have been saved. Tourism has contributed, for example, to the restoration of the paving of the streets.

Other must-see attractions

During your stay in the city, do not miss the Collegiate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption (where the image of Christ of Medinaceli is venerated), the convent of Santa Isabel (from the 16th century, belonging to the Poor Clares and the only one that remains standing of the four that the town had) and the beguinage (it is in ruins and it is supposed that in the past it was a synagogue).

Do not hesitate to visit this beautiful place with ancient origins and that will leave you enchanted. You will want to return again and again to walk through its wonderful streets and lose yourself among its alleys and buildings.

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