Live A Unique Experience In The Irati Forest In Spain

It is one of the largest beech forests in Europe. A place located in Navarra and that can be discovered through different routes.
Live a unique experience in the Irati Forest in Spain

After the Black Forest of Germany, the Irati Forest in Spain is the second largest beech-fir forest on the old continent. A forest with no less than seventeen thousand hectares. In it there are countless charms that can be discovered by taking a hiking route. We give you all the necessary information for the visit.

What to see in the Irati Forest in Spain

View of the Irati Forest in Spain
Irati Forest

In the Selva de Irati area there are, for example, several nature reserves. One of them is Mendilatz, with an area of ​​one hundred and nineteen hectares. It is located on the mountain that gives it its name, more than 1,300 meters high. Therefore, it is not surprising the magnificent views it offers.

Another equally interesting reserve is Tristuibartea, full of various species of oak, chestnut, maple, larch or hazelnut. Or the Lizardoia reserve, one of the lesser known and less frequented unspoilt corners of the Irati Forest. In fact, it is better not to go into it for its conservation.

Hiking through the Irati Forest

All of the above can be known by hiking. And there are several perfectly marked itineraries. They can be explored on foot or by bicycle, even with snowshoes and cross-country skis. It is enough to go to towns such as Ochagavía or Orbaizeta, the main starting points for excursions.

Irati forest in autumn
Irati forest in autumn

The circular route from Orbaizeta leads to the Mendilatz Nature Reserve. It begins at the Azpegui refuge, where there are information panels about the dolmen trails that start at that point. Once underway, the route runs through deep beech groves, little frequented and of great beauty.

If you are accessing it from Ochagavía, you must go to the Virgen de las Nieves reception area. There they will inform us of the possible routes and we will have to pay an entrance fee of five euros per vehicle. After eight kilometers of travel, we will arrive at the car park next to the Irabia reservoir dam.

With the vehicle already parked, it is time to choose the route.  One of the routes is the Paseo de los Sentidos, which leads to the hermitage of the Virgen de las Nieves. You can also follow the Urbeltza river path, perfect for doing with the family; or the Zabaleta forest path, on which to go to the heart of the Irati Forest.

But there are many other possibilities. You can follow the linear route of the Goñiburu viewpoint, very simple to carry out. A route that allows you to obtain magnificent views of the Irati Forest and the Orhi peak.

You can also walk the Altos de Abodi route. It starts from the Alto de Tapia car park and is just over six kilometers long.

Tips for visiting the Irati Forest in Spain

Irati forest in Spain
Irati forest in autumn

To discover all the charms that the Irati Forest houses, the ideal thing is to wear the right clothes and shoes that are comfortable. Do not forget that we are in the Pyrenees area.

Likewise, before deciding on any route, it is advisable to inquire about the length,  as well as the difficulty or the time involved. Regarding the latter, it must be taken into account that the estimate may vary depending on what our pace is or how many unemployed we do.

How to get to the Irati Forest

As we have already said, the Irati Forest can be accessed through Orbaitzetam and Ochagavía. Both are located just over an hour’s drive from Pamplona. From the city, and to get to the first town, you just have to take the N-135 towards France and the Na 140 when passing the town of Espinal.

Meanwhile, to get to Ochagavía you have to take the A21 Pyrenees motorway. After about 25 minutes you have to leave for Lumbier. From there we will continue along the Na 178 to Escaroz and, later, on the Na 140 to Ochagavía, where we will begin the visit to the Irati Forest in Spain.

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