Solo Travel: Tips And Some Destinations

Traveling without company is one of the most enriching experiences that can be lived. You just have to take some precautions and choose a good destination.
Solo travel: tips and some destinations

Traveling alone is something that we should all do, at least once in our lives. Although it may be an experience that scares many, it will not be just a trip to another place, but a trip to the depths of you, where you will meet other people, but especially you.

Next, we give you some tips so that you dare to live this adventure, and some perfect destinations to travel alone .

Tips for traveling solo

Woman who has started traveling alone

When looking for accommodation, it is better that you think about hostels or pensions where you can have more contact with other travelers, as well as with local inhabitants. And give yourself your time, probably a full day, to get to the place, acclimatize to the city and feel totally comfortable.

Something that you will do, without a doubt, and that you will enjoy, is lunch and dinner alone. One piece of advice we give you is to choose bars or restaurants where you can socialize and meet new people.

When you leave the hotel, especially if it is at night, leave a note in your room saying what time you plan to return and if it is with someone, write it down. It is fine to enjoy the night, but it is very important to have all five senses active when traveling alone. Therefore, rest as necessary and avoid drinking more than necessary.

To keep in touch with your family and friends, buy a free mobile. So you can buy a local SIM card and you can talk on the phone. You can also install Skype to speak through this application at no cost when you have an Internet connection.

Sometimes thieves take advantage of people traveling alone to rob them, especially in shelters where spaces are shared. Keep all your valuables (passport, wallet, camera …) in one place and carry out checks from time to time.

Besides all this, get to the place before it gets dark, go to public places and don’t worry if you have to yell if someone bothers you. Nothing has to happen, but it never hurts to know these tricks.

Destinations to travel alone

Food tour of Vietnam

Hoi An in Vietnam
Hoi An – Efired

If you are a lover of Asian food, Vietnam must be your favorite destination. The typical food is wonderful, due to its flavors and its great diversity.

The whole country is wonderful, perfect for traveling alone trying the best of each cuisine. Throughout the route you can mix with locals, trying everything that tourists, no matter how prepared they are, do not try.

In the most touristic places, such as Hanoi (the capital), Ho Chi Minh or Hoi An you can taste some of the greatest delicacies of the country. And without a doubt, something that you cannot miss is knowing one of the gastronomic schools of Vietnam.

But your trip will not only feature food. You can also learn about the Vietnamese conflict era by visiting the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh. Or you can take an excursion from the capital to Halong Bay. There you will see the impressive limestone columns jutting out from the waters.

Flea markets and tours for the loneliest Berlin

Brandenburg gate
Brandenburg Gate – Patryk Kosmider

Berlin, one of the most modern and cosmopolitan cities in the world, is the perfect place for those who decide to go solo. It offers a number of different plans, from partying to visiting it completely, going through the most famous monuments or its fantastic art galleries.

One option to get to know the German capital is to do a walking tour, which can be done either alone or with a guide. In this way, you can discover such special and important sites as the Brandenburg Gate, the Holocaust Memorial or the Museum Island.

Another very good option is to visit the city by bike, since Berlin is one of the best capitals to do so. In this way, you will be able to discover the most interesting and alternative places, such as modern shops, markets, street stalls or the most extravagant cafes.

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