Orange, A French City With A Unique Roman Theater

Orange has a Roman origin, so a good part of its monuments are from that time, including a very special theater.
Orange, a French city with a unique Roman theater

Very close to the famous French Riviera is Orange, a French city with a lot of history under its foundations. For much of history it was the capital of the Principality of Orange, called by many “the city of Princes.” Would you like to know why? Do you dare to visit it? You are sure to love it!

Orange is one of the French towns that is most dedicated to viticulture. This means one thing: your surroundings will be surrounded by beautiful vineyards and breathtaking scenery. Nature, sun and history come together in this place to show us endless charms.

Orange, why is it so special?

Orange Square

We are talking about a small town that is located in the heart of the Rhone Valley. It was founded by Roman soldiers around 30 BC under the name Arusius.

Being in the south of France and relatively close to Rome, it became a city twinned with the Empire a few years after its foundation. Due to this Roman influence, most of the historical heritage of the municipality is from that time.

After the disappearance of the Roman Empire and already in the Middle Ages, it became a county that is passed from generation to generation. Until the 16th century arrives and the last count makes Orange remain in the hands of William I of Nassau, prince of Orange, to whom they owe their name, from present-day Holland.

This moment was very important for the history of the municipality, since being the town under Dutch rule, there was a large presence of Protestants who became strong in Orange during the crusades of the 16th and 17th centuries.

It was not until 1703 when Louis XIV expelled the Protestants and with the Treaty of Utrecht the city came under the rule of the French crown.

All these brushstrokes of the history of Orange make one thing clear to us, that although it is the same scene, empires, peoples and characters of great power have passed through it : Romans, counts, Protestants … And all this has a considerable influence on the city.

What to see in one day in Orange

As we have already told you, the influence of Rome affected Orange to the point that all that we can see of it are remains of the Roman Empire. Some of the most prominent places are the following :

Roman theatre

Roman Theater of Orange
Roman Theater of Orange

It is a very special Roman monument, since it is the only one in Europe that keeps the wall of the stage intact. Only two more, in Syria and Tunisia, also maintain it. Very well preserved, it is a World Heritage Site.

It was built during the 1st century AD and was used to transmit Roman culture. A total of nine thousand spectators could attend to witness dance, theater or acrobatics performances.

Arch of Triumph of Orange

Arc de Triomphe in Orange
Arc de Triomphe in Orange

Like the theater, it was built during the 1st century AD at one of the entrances to the city, next to the wall. It is located to the north of the theater one kilometer walking. Perhaps when thinking of arches of triumph in France the imagination flies to that of Paris. But this one from Orange is unique in something: it has endured two thousand years of history on its feet.

Due to its architecture, something different from the rest of Roman arches, it could mean that it was one of the first to be built in the Empire because the central arch is larger than the two lateral ones. Something that is not usually seen in all the arches that were made later. Were the Romans doing the first tests on it?

Other monuments

Notre Dame de Orange Cathedral
Notre Dame Cathedral – Marcel Musil /

In addition to the two jewels of Orange, you can visit Notre Dame Cathedral, impressive inside. You can also see Georges Clemenceau square, next to the town hall. But above all, take advantage of the visit to lose yourself in its streets, narrow and stone, and feel that you travel back in time.

Finally, to end your visit, we advise you to go to the hill of San Eutropio to enjoy fabulous views of the city. There, in addition, you will be able to see the ruins of the castle where the Princes of Orange lived, along with other Roman remains.

These are the best activities you can do during your trip to Orange. Stroll, enjoy and soak up an environment that you will not be able to experience anywhere else in Europe. Feel lucky about it!

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