Do You Know Who Rembrandt Harmenszoon Was? We Tell You

Its chiaroscuro are unmistakable. Rembrandt was one of the greatest exponents of the Golden Age of Dutch painting.
Do you know who Rembrandt Harmenszoon was?  We tell you

We are going to immerse ourselves in the Baroque, the post-Renaissance artistic stage, in which important renovations in art took place. During the seventeenth century there were many artists who stood out in Europe, this is the case of Rembrandt Harmenszoon. Don’t you know who it is? We will tell you! But before…

The Baroque, was of changes

"The Rape of Europe", by Rembrandt
“The Rape of Europe”, by Rembrandt

The Baroque is an artistic movement that developed during the seventeenth century in Europe. It affected all areas related to culture, from painting and sculpture to architecture or literature.

The context in which this movement occurs is that of a Europe mired in religious squabbles between Catholicism and Protestantism. And also between the strengthening of the bourgeois class that will give rise to the future capitalism.

As with the Renaissance, the Baroque has its roots in Italy, and from there it spread throughout Europe. Baroque ideals opt for a more refined art, far from excessive ornaments. Therefore, we are going to find more sober and simple works.

It is also characterized by a tendency to make realistic representations, in analogy to the situation of the moment: it is a moment in which the harsh crisis forces man to face the harsh reality. As a result, the Baroque arrives with lights and shadows, with optical illusions, exaggerations and imbalances.

Who was Rembrandt ?

"Lesson of Antaomy", by Rembrandt
“Lesson of Antaomy”, by Rembrandt

In this context, Rembrandt was one of the painters who stood out in the Baroque, along with others of the stature of Caravaggio, Rubens, Velázquez and Vermeer.

Rembrandt was a painter and printmaker who was born in Leiden (Holland) in 1606. He began studying art at the Latin School and tried to go to college. However, he dropped out to focus squarely on painting in the workshop of his teacher, Jacob Van Swanenburch.

He is considered one of the most important painters in the history of the Netherlands. His great works are part of the so-called Golden Age, a time when the splendor of culture, science, commerce and politics takes place.

The artist’s life was characterized by ups and downs. In 1631 he moved to Amsterdam and continued studying art. There he meets his future wife, Saskia, who belongs to a wealthy family. Thanks to his marriage, he boosted his career and became an acclaimed painter by the upper classes. He even had apprentices.

However, his life takes a turn when three of his four children die shortly after birth and so does his wife from tuberculosis. Rembrandt is left alone and his sadness is reflected in his works. Rembrant died in 1669 in Amsterdam.

Rembrandt artwork

"Portrait of Jan Six", by Rembrandt
“Portrait of Jan Six”

Rembrandt’s works are primarily portraits, self-portraits, and biblical representations. They were embodied in both canvases and engravings. Unlike other artists, the painter always represented himself in his works with a humble and serene face, according to his time.

As a result, Rembrandt has left us works where the use of chiaroscuro and drama in his scenes stands out. He pays special interest in the faces of the portrayed characters, in the clothes and the surroundings.

During his first stage in Amsterdam he basically painted biblical scenes, such as The Blinding of Samson . After the death of his wife his style became more somber and restrained. It was characterized by more chiaroscuro and more drama. However, in the final stage of his life he evolves towards more striking colors and a move away from details.

Most famous works

"The Night Watch", by Rembrandt
“The night watch”

Rembrandt’s most famous work was The Night Watch . He painted it during 1640 and 1642. It can currently be visited at the Rijksmusem in Amsterdam.

Other recognized works by Rembrandt are the Descent from the Cross, where the use of chiaroscuro and dynamic composition stand out (it seems that the characters are moving through the painting in which they are represented). Also Dr. Nicolaes Tulp’s Anatomy Lesson , a very famous work from his youth. Or the Rape of Europe.

Did you find the work of this painter interesting? Practically all his work can be admired in the Netherlands, and especially in Amsterdam.

In fact, the house in which he lived is restored and enabled for visits. It is a must stop for those art lovers who want to know more about this dramatic painter. Do not you think it anymore!

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