The University Of Coimbra, One Of The Oldest In Europe

The one in Coimbra is, from its origins, one of the main universities in Europe. Its magnificent heritage bears witness to this.
The University of Coimbra, one of the oldest in Europe

The University of Coimbra is a jewel of culture and world heritage. Founded by King Dionysius I of Portugal in 1290, it obtained the papal blessing that same year, thus becoming one of the most important universities in all of Europe and one of the oldest.

The buildings that make it up, the student atmosphere it enjoys and all the ancestral customs that stem from it made it worthy of the title of World Heritage Site in 2013. Do you want to know more about this institution and its fabulous headquarters?

University of Coimbra: institution of knowledge

Courtyard of the University of Coimbra
University courtyard

The founding of this academic institution took place, as we said, at the end of the 13th century. It was an institution of ‘General Studies’ and in it the most varied subjects were taught, including Theology, Medicine, Law, etc. Its seat was changing for centuries between Coimbra and Lisbon, depending on the orders of the king of each moment.

Finally, in 1537 King Don João III established the headquarters of the University of Coimbra in the old Pazo Real, a building that it has occupied ever since. Little by little, new disciplines were added. But it will be from the time of the Marquis de Pombal when the university begins a true boom period with the introduction of more academic disciplines.

The architectural heritage of the University of Coimbra

The University of Coimbra develops its educational activity in various architectural spaces. Among them, the following are worth highlighting:

1. The Royal Palace

It is the main building of the University of Coimbra. It is located in a privileged place in this Portuguese city : an elevated place with incredible views over the Mondego river, which passes through the city.

Joanina Library
Joanina Library

Its structure is that of a majestic building, but at the same time complex due to the constant addition of structures from all eras. These, however, coexist in harmony creating a beautiful building that develops around a central courtyard.

In this beautiful building, we recommend that you visit, stroll and contemplate the Porta Férrea, a Mannerist work from the 17th century. In it you will see the images of the kings Don Dinis and Don João III, both patrons of the university.

Nor should you miss the so-called 18th-century Via Latina, a Mannerist colonnade in which the inscriptions in Latin show that this was the official language of the university. The Minerva staircase, the University or “Cabra” tower and the San Miguel chapel are other spaces that you cannot miss at the headquarters of the Pazo Real.

Special mention should be made of the Joanina Library. It was built in the 18th century and is one of the most beautiful in the world. Its rooms, full of magnificent shelves, house 300,000 volumes

The Faculty of Letters and the rest of the campus

Letters faculty
Letters faculty

Along with the imposing Pazo Real, there is another faculty of impressive architectural values, it is the Faculty of Letters, whose modern architecture is based on a strong classicism. For this reason, its imposing façade shows several sculptural groups by Barata Feyo.

Also noteworthy are bronze doors with bas-reliefs that allude to the works of Homero, Gil Vicente, Camões, Antero de Quental, Florbela Espanca, Cesário Verde, Eugénio de Castro, António Nobre and Fernando Pessoa. Very similar characteristics have the rest of the faculties that make up the campus of the University of Coimbra.

Schools and the rest of the university’s heritage

Aerial view of the University of Coimbra
University of Coimbra

Around the University of Coimbra, there is an extensive heritage of schools, libraries, archives and churches that served and still serve as the support of the institution. Among them, the schools of Santo Tomás de Aquino, San Pedro dos Terceiros, Nuestra Señora de Gracia, Espíritu Santo, San Buenaventura and the old College of Arts stand out.

In addition, we must mention the Casa das Caldeiras, which provided light to the university hospital. And don’t miss the student canteens, small taverns and meeting rooms where students share their sense of union with the university and celebrate their triumphs with songs.

Strolling through Portugal: Coimbra

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