Are We Close To Space Travel?

Traveling into space as a tourist will soon cease to be a dream, at least for very healthy pockets. There are already companies working to make it happen.
Are we close to space travel?

Yes we are close to space travel. In fact, a few privileged people have already done space tourism. Of course, the truth is that it is not something that today is available to anyone and, in reality, it is not even a completely viable possibility no matter how much money you have. But it is clear that, sooner rather than later, this type of trip will be a constant.

The first of the tourists in space travel

It has long since happened. It was in 2001 when the first of the space travel in tourism plan was made. The landmark has such a caliber in traveling history that we even know the name of that first space tourist: his name was Dennis Tito.

He is a worker for NASA itself, although because of his work as an engineer he would never carry out one of those space trips in person in which he worked. So he raised a significant sum of money, $20 million, to be the first “civilian” to fly to the Russian Soyuz station.

And Dennis Tito not only flew there, but stayed on board  for 8 days and then successfully returned to our planet.

Current expectations of space travel

Astronaut in space

From that first trip of a space tourist, other experiences have been prepared. And urban legends tell us of great fortunes that have made their reservations for the next flights in exchange for millions of dollars.

If you can afford it, here we are going to tell you about the companies that offer this type of “tourist” trip. Pay attention:

Virgin galactic

One of the most restless and enterprising characters on the world scene is Sir Richard Branson, owner of Virgin, a group of companies of the most varied nature. And within that business complex, Virgin Galactic created many years ago to offer space travel. Tickets for this have been sold since 2008.

However, there have been delays following a terrible accident on its supersonic flight. Although it continues with the purpose of offering suborbital flights to observe the blue planet from above.


Spacex ship for space travel

Another of the most renowned entrepreneurs is Elon Musk, a character who founded the electric car brand Tesla. And it has done the same with SpaceX, which intends to offer space travel aboard its Big Falcon Rocket.

The truth is that he has promised trips to the Moon, carry cargoes to the International Space Station and even reach Mars. But for now, they are just projects.

Blue Origin

And to end this triad of characters, let’s now talk about Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ commitment to space travel. He has created the company Blue Origin, which has already successfully launched a manned ship.

With it aims to reach up to 99 kilometers from altur to carrying up to six passengers. Of course, you will be amazed to see the curvature of the Earth and the vastness of space from up there.

Orion span

This other company proposes to make a more complete experience a reality. He proposes to arrive in 2022 at the Aurora Space Station, which has not yet been completed, but which will be 200 kilometers from the earth’s surface.

There, a space will be set up for several tourists who will be able to stay there for several days. Of course, the total price is exorbitant and the term, in this case, has the most appropriate use.

Axiom Space, luxury space travel

Spaceship taking off

We finished these space travel proposals, with one being launched by a team of ex-NASA workers. They too are creating a space station, but with luxury criteria. Even the sought-after designer Philippe Starck works on furniture and decoration.

A luxury hotel in space, that is its proposal. It includes a training stage and flights into and out of the atmosphere. And all this for a price of about 55 million dollars, since they say that they do know what all that costs.

Considering all the above, it seems that yes, space travel is surely very close as another form of tourism. However, they will only be available to an exclusive and insignificant percentage of the world’s population.

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