Keys To Pass The Security Controls At The Airport

The best advice to go through security checks without problems is to prepare in advance for this process and comply with all baggage regulations. Whatever the circumstances, the best thing you can do is cooperate with the authorities.
Keys to pass the security controls at the airport

Going through security checks can be one of the most stressful or annoying moments of a trip, especially if you leave or arrive at a destination where there are very thorough inspections. This procedure can take up to two hours or more and can also be more of a discomfort for you.

One of the difficulties is that security controls often have differences, sometimes significant, between one airport  and another. Although in general they respond to the same scheme, they do not always coincide exactly. Therefore, it is not uncommon that, even if you have experience going through these controls, from time to time you get a surprise.

The best thing is to prepare yourself . If you don’t travel frequently, you may come across procedures you don’t know about; And if that makes you nervous, it can also happen that things get complicated. Let’s see then what is the best way to deal with this mandatory procedure.

1. Follow the hand luggage rules

Woman packing hand suitcase

An inexperienced traveler sometimes believes that he can pass prohibited items in his carry-on luggage if he camouflages them in some way. This is possible, but only in one in a million cases. Today’s scanners  and airport security methods are highly advanced and easily detect prohibited items.

The best thing is that you find out in detail what you can and what you cannot carry in your hand luggage and strictly adhere to the rules. Otherwise, you could go through an extremely annoying moment and even arouse suspicion, with all that that implies. It is not worth taking you ‘to the little room’ for a silly thing.

2. Objects that you must separate at security controls

Liquid containers to pass the security check

The best way to quickly pass the airport security controls, without any problem, is to be prepared for this procedure. The first thing you should do is separate the liquids and gels  and put them in a transparent, resealable plastic bag. Leave them at the top of the tote bag so they are visible and within reach in case they want to check you out.

It is also important that you separate all the metallic objects that you are wearing : earrings, rings, watches, coins, etc. There you have two options. One is to carry them in a bag and have it on hand to put on the tray. Another is that you put all this in the jacket, since you will also have to put it on the trays. Do one or the other before lining up to go through the checkpoints.

When it comes to electronic devices, sometimes the rules at airports vary. It is best to separate them in a separate bag as well. This includes mobiles, tablets, computers, cameras and everything that works electronically. Yes, there are a lot of bags, but this will save you a good deal of stress and also save time.

3. The clothes you wear

Woman on her first plane ride at the airport

This is another point where there are usually variations between one airport and another. As we mentioned, in most cases you will have to leave the jacket on the trays, as well as ponchos or similar garments.

With shoes things change. Currently, it is very common to be asked to remove your shoes to go through the security gate. There are airports where this is not requested (such as those in Mexico City, Montevideo or Bogotá, among others), but there are many that do.

Likewise, in some airports they only ask you to remove your shoes if you are wearing mid- calf boots or higher. The best thing, in any case, is that you go prepared for this. It is also convenient that you do not wear many clothes such as hats, hats, gloves, etc. You better carry them in your handbag and put them on when you pass the security controls.

3. Other tips on security controls

Passengers at the airport security control

If you are wearing a kangaroo kangaroo sweater you will have to leave it in the trays of the security controls, since it practically counts as luggage. Do not leave your documents in the trays, even if you have to carry them in your hand. In very congested airports, there is a risk that something may be lost during this process, and you can lose anything but your documents.

You have the right to be informed about the security controls that apply to you and their corresponding effects. You can even refuse to go through X-ray scanners. What you can’t avoid is being checked manually.

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