Corvino Castle: A Magnificent Place

Corvino’s is a medieval castle with Renaissance touches. When visiting it, you will find impressive architecture in a dream landscape.
Corvino castle: a magnificent place

Corvino Castle is one of the most popular places in Romania, a country that is full of magical corners and beautiful landscapes waiting for you to discover them.

This castle, also known as Hunyad Castle or Hunedoara Castle, is located in the Transylvania region. Specifically, it is on the western part of the city of Hunedoara and on the banks of the Zlasti River, one of the tributaries of the Cerna River, which is born in the Retezat Mountains or Southern Carpathians and flows into the Danube.

Brief history of this Romanian castle

The construction of the Castle of Corvino began around 1315, under the mandate of King Carlos I of Hungary. It is a castle built on an old Roman fortification that was gradually expanded and modified, especially from the 15th century, when the castle was donated by King Sigismund of Hungary to the nobleman Voyk Hunyadi.

It is to the son of this nobleman, Count Juan de Hunyadi, and his grandson, the famous King Matías Corvino, to whom we owe the major works to expand the castle. These extensions were carried out in 2 phases: the first from 1440 to 1446 and the second from 1458 to 1480.

In addition, as Matías Corvino was a faithful admirer of Italian architecture, we can find various elements of the Renaissance style, but it is the late Gothic style that stands out. With all this, the castle became one of the main fortifications of the Kingdom of Hungary, until Romania became an independent kingdom in 1881.

During the 17th and 19th centuries, the castle underwent further extensions until, in the middle of the 20th century, it fell into ruin due to neglect and successive fires. Fortunately, in 1974 the authorities began the process to safeguard this important monument.

Visit to Corvino Castle

The inner courtyard is one of the outstanding areas of the Corvino Castle.

The continuous rehabilitation works of the castle make it possible for it to be in excellent maintenance condition. The entrance area is the most interesting, as it highlights the wooden walkway used to cross the moat.

This walkway is adorned with banners and banners from medieval times and leads the visitor to the entrance arch, which is located just below the main tower, with an air of fairy tales and knights’ novels.

When you decide to visit this castle, the first thing you will have to do when you arrive at the place is to cross the outer door located in the wall. This door will take you to a courtyard known as Patio de los Húsares.

However, you will also be able to appreciate other important buildings and visit the headquarters of the Hunedoara Museum of Archeology, History and Ethnography. Similarly, you will have the possibility to enter the Torture Exhibition, a cafeteria and various souvenir shops .

The interior of Corvino Castle

Once inside the Corvino Castle, you will discover that the interior has no point of comparison with the exterior, as it is much more sober, although it is not wasted either. Once inside, you will be able to visit various salient rooms and spaces and delight yourself with its architecture.

Among these spaces, one of the most important is the interior patio. This courtyard shaped the typology of the castle by becoming the computer and distributor of the various spaces. From it you can access the main rooms and rooms.

Currently, the interior patio is used to celebrate various events, such as concerts, markets, parties, among others. Corvino Castle has 3 floors, although it is only reflected in 2 of them in the courtyard. These floors are connected by passageways and stairs, but decoration is sparse.

The Hall of Knights of Corvino Castle is truly amazing.

During the tour, you will not find period furniture, since the fires consumed most of the decorative elements. We recommend you visit the Hall of the Knights (image above), used for festive ceremonies and various celebrations.

Finally, in addition to everything mentioned, from its towers and rooms you will have the opportunity to enjoy the best possible views and you will see how the Corvino castle dominated all its surrounding territory and the surrounding mountainous spaces. Without a doubt, this is a castle to know and enjoy on a trip.

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