Curiosities Of The Retiro Park In Madrid

It is one of the lungs of the Spanish capital, a wonderful park with charming corners and the odd curiosity.
Curiosities of the Retiro park in Madrid

The Retiro Park in Madrid is located in the heart of the Spanish capital. An immense green area that serves as a lung for the city. With a long history, it is one of the favorite places for locals to stroll. And despite this, there are many things about him that are unknown. Would you like to discover them?

Curiosities of the Retiro park in Madrid

This wonderful park that seems to have no end, has about 125 hectares of extension and is home to some 15,000 trees  of different species, many of them centenary. It has eighteen access doors and four of them are considered monumental. Did you think it was so great? Well, the best is yet to come!

Its origin

Its origin dates back to the early seventeenth century  when the Count-Duke of Olivares gave it to Felipe IV. For years its wonderful gardens were the exclusive use of the monarchs. Carlos III allowed the citizens to enter and after the Revolution of 1868 the park became part of the City Council.

Your pond

Pond of the Retiro park in Madrid
Park pond

The pond that characterizes the park, and in which you can navigate in small boats, did not exist in its origin. Felipe IV had it built in order to recreate naval battles, one of his hobbies.  Advances in technology no longer make it necessary, but in the past it needed water wheels to supply water.

At the bottom of the water

To clean the pond it was necessary to empty it in 2001. What was found under its waters? Well, everything we can imagine: chairs, town hall fences, mobiles, skateboards, even urns for the deceased with their ashes! It is impressive to know what people are capable of shooting anywhere …

Although it sounds curious, thousands of fish live in the pond that moved while the cleaning work was being carried out. Among them was a carp of no more and no less than twelve kilos.

Your flowers

La Rosaleda in Madrid's Retiro Park
The Rose Garden

Strolling through the park’s trails is a delight for the senses. Its flowers play an essential role. For example, the flowers of the more than four thousand plants of the Rose Garden. As expected, to fully enjoy its beauty and smell there is nothing better than visiting the Retiro park in Madrid in spring.

The design of the Rosaleda, which is meticulously calculated, is the work of the Villa’s senior gardener at the beginning of the 20th century, Cecilio Rodríguez, who left everyone amazed with his originality and good work.

The Crystal Palace

Crystal Palace of Madrid's Retreat
crystal Palace

In the center of the park we find the Palacio de Cristal, a building built in iron and glass and that shapes one of the most beautiful corners of the Retiro. The best time to visit it is in the morning when the sun’s reflection hits it directly, giving it an incredible tone.

In principle, it was built to display a collection of tropical flora, which is why it resembles a greenhouse. Later however, it was used as the headquarters of the National Exhibition of Fine Arts and the Reina Sofía Museum.

Has the oldest tree

The oldest tree in Madrid is in the Retiro park. It is believed that it has been planted there since 1663. If you want to see it, go to the Puerta de España, on the side that adjoins Calle Alfonso XII. It is an ahuehuete and is located in the Parterre gardens.

The Forest of Remembrance

Forest of Remembrance in the Retiro of Madrid
Forest of Remembrance

This park also houses the tribute and memory of the victims of the attacks of March 11, 2004. It is a forest made up of 170 cypresses and 22 olive trees, which coincides with the number of fatalities.

It had its own mayor

As if it were a small town, the Retiro Park in Madrid had its own mayor, although when he died no one could replace him. That honorary mayor was the cartoonist Antonio Mingote.  His are the murals that adorn the walls of the Retiro metro station.

If you get lost in the corners of the Retiro Park in Madrid, we are sure that you will discover many more curiosities, although we hope you have enjoyed what we have told you a lot. Are you already planning a visit to the Spanish capital?

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