Ecological Hotels: A New Trend

Concern for the environment and its conservation has also been transferred to the hospitality sector. For this reason, the offer of ecological hotels is increasingly wide.
Green hotels: a new trend

Ecological hotels are a step further towards responsible and sustainable tourism. A trend that is increasingly sought after, and the truth is that it should be the majority for the good of all. At the moment, and little by little, a gap is opening in the tourism sector. In fact, some search engines already include this filter on their pages.

And it is that any of us in the day to day we can do things for the conservation of the planet, and even on vacations. One of those things is looking for our accommodation among the new ecological hotels.

Green hotels today

Eco hotel room
Ludmila yilmaz

The truth is that sooner or later all hotels and accommodations will have to adapt to certain ecological behaviors, both for regulations and for ethics and responsibility. However, today it is a differential and quality fact.

Thus,  ecological hotels wear such an award with pride and also seek their customers among those most aware of caring for the environment.

responsable tourism

Eco-friendly hotels, also called ecofriendly , only show a trend among travelers. The desire to participate and enjoy responsible tourism. Something that does not prevent you from enjoying anything, but simply allows you to enjoy a place in a respectful way, both with nature and with people.

Green hotel factors

The category of green hotels can involve many aspects, from its location in an environment of enormous natural value, to the way in which the building is supplied with energy. In other words, there are several factors that allow us to speak of an ecofriendly hotel . Some of them are:

Harmony with the environment

Eco hotel

That is usually the most obvious factor when thinking about a green hotel. These are facilities that perfectly blend in with their surroundings, without drawing attention to the landscape.

Something that is sometimes achieved with very modern designs that lead to semi-buried constructions or using materials such as wood.

And on other occasions it is simpler and it is enough to follow the guidelines of the most traditional architecture.  It should not be forgotten that the ways of life of yesteryear knew how important it was to preserve the environment in which they lived and supplied them, in a way that they respected it in a profound and necessary way.

The renewable energies

Hotel with solar panels

Another very characteristic factor of ecological hotels is their energy supply, for which different types of renewable energies are used. There they have a place from solar or wind energy, to geothermal or biomass heating.

In other words, ecological hotels are committed to the sustainability of their facilities.  Although in some cases this implies significant initial investments, in the end the benefits are reaped, such as lower costs and their collaboration with the protection of natural resources.

And of course, you as a guest of this type of accommodation also collaborate.


Organic food

Another feature that can define the characteristics of ecological hotels are their gastronomic proposals. In this sense, we are not talking about vegan menus, or any other food trend.

Basically, it is that the foods used in their dishes are products of proximity, of km. 0, which lowers costs and reduces CO 2 emissions . In addition, it helps the sustainability of traditional farms.

Ecological hotels, more than recommended

In short, ecological hotels are one more aspect of the awareness that we all have to carry out to conserve the environment that surrounds us and in which we live.

We travel to marvel at all that the world has to offer. Well, we have to do our bit in the conservation of all those jewels. In other words, we have to opt for responsible tourism if we want to continue enjoying those treasures that the world guards and that are increasingly threatened.

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