Little Known European Castles That Will Surprise You

We are going to discover castles of authentic fantasy. Beautiful and unique castles in Europe, although sometimes they go unnoticed.
Little known European castles that will surprise you

We want to visit little-known European castles, but they deserve you to discover them. Castles that remain in the background, which you may have never heard of, but which will surprise you. They are marvelous constructions capable of transferring us to other times and imaginary worlds. Don’t you want to find out which castles we are talking about?

1. Little known European castles : Bojnice, Slovakia

Little known European castles: Bojnice
Bojnice Castle – Miroslav Petrasko /

Outside of Slovakia this castle is not very popular, but it is a real gem. It has its origin in the 12th century, a wooden fortress that was reinforced and expanded over the centuries, until it formed a beautiful construction that mixes medieval and Renaissance airs. A fairytale castle in which, by the way, there is a Festival of Ghosts and Spirits.

2. Castle of Pierrefonds, France

Castle of Pierrefond
Castle of Pierrefonds – Arnaud BEAUVOIS

We include it in our list of little-known European castles, although it is a very cinematic construction. It has been the scene of filming of films such as Joan of Arc , The man in the iron mask or the Merlin series . You only have to take a look to see why. Of course, it is a reconstruction, since in the 19th century the castle was in ruins.

3. Dunrobin Castle, Scotland

Dunrobin Castle in Scotland
Dunrobin Castle – fotshot /

If we talk about castles in Scotland it is easy to imagine constructions of strong walls next to a lake or a cliff. Well, this castle breaks with the prototypes. When you see it you will think you are in the Loire Valley. Originally there was a fortress like so many others in Scotland, but one of its owners decided to rebuild it in the 19th century in true French style.

4. Castle of Butrón, Spain

Butrón Castle
Butrón Castle – Santi PA /

In the middle of a place of singular beauty in Vizcaya stands this beautiful castle of medieval origin. It witnessed fights and sieges until it was abandoned. In the 19th century, the architect Francisco de Cubas would be in charge of its reconstruction, giving the fortress an air of romanticism with Germanic touches very fashionable at that time.

5. Chillon Castle, Switzerland

Chillon Castle, one of the incredible things to see in Switzerland
Chillón castle – canadastock

Although many travelers dream of visiting Switzerland to enjoy its Alpine landscapes, more than one will have been pleasantly surprised to discover jewels like this castle overlooking Lake Geneva. A construction that was admired by writers of the stature of Victor Hugo and Alexander Dumas. Lord Byron was even inspired by him to write the poem The Prisoner of Chillon .

6. Kreuzenstein Castle, Austria

Kreuzenstein Castle in Austria
Kreuzenstein Castle – leoks

Another cinematic castle. Here scenes from The Three Musketeers and The Pillars of the Earth were shot . Its origin dates back to the 12th century, although throughout its history different events forced it to be rebuilt. The last remodeling is from the 19th century, hence the romantic aspect it offers today. A popular castle in Austria, although not so much beyond its borders.

7. Castle of Saumur, France

Castle of Saumur in France
Saumur Castle – leoks

The Loire River Valley is famous for magnificent castles such as those of Chambord, Blois or Chenonceau. But there are other smaller ones that are also charming. This is the case of del Saumur, originally built in the 10th century on top of a promontory from where the Loire and Thouet rivers overlook. Its style will not leave you indifferent, nor will its interior, where you can visit two museums.

8. Lichtenstein Castle, Germany

Lichtenstein Castle – Kraft_Stoff

In Germany there are magnificent castles, just think of those in the Rhine Valley or Neuschwanstein. But it also hides some of those little-known European castles that will blow your mind, like this one in Lichtenstein. A romantic castle like few others that stands on an impressive precipice. Of medieval origin, it was rebuilt in the Neo-Gothic style.

9. Hunyad Castle, Romania

Hunyad Castle in Transylvania
Hunyad Castle – cge2010

If we ask you to think of a castle in Romania, surely Bran Castle comes to mind, that is, that of the famous Count Dracula. Well, throughout the country there are medieval fortresses as beautiful as this one. Hunyad Castle was built in the 14th century and will make you believe in tales of princesses and knights. In fact, it is the scene of curious legends.

10. Castle of Almodóvar del Río, Spain

Castle of Almodóvar del Río
Castle of Almodóvar del Río – Lukasz Janyst

It is one of the most beautiful castles in Andalusia. Of Arab origin, it rose in the 8th century and suffered all kinds of vicissitudes until it ended up in ruins. Rebuilt just a century ago, today it is a place to go back in time, especially if you participate in one of the theatrical visits that are organized.

Thus, in the province of Córdoba, we finished our tour of little-known European castles that are waiting for you to discover them.

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