Live A Mapuche Experience In Chile

In recent years, ethno-tourism has gained strength, an option to travel closer to ancestral cultures. There are, for example, initiatives to live a Mapuche experience in the most authentic and welcoming way.
Live a Mapuche experience in Chile

The Mapuche are the most representative and numerous indigenous population in Chile. Historically, the Mapuche experience has been that of a people that has resisted domination by other cultures. First by the Inca Empire, later by the Spanish during the conquest, then by the Chilean government and, currently, by multinationals.

This Araucanian people has been decimated, persecuted and marginalized for centuries. However, even today they continue to defend themselves from the abuses of power and carry out frontal campaigns to respect their rights and their ancestral culture.

If you are one of those who tire of the conventions of traditional tourism, we invite you to live a unique and unforgettable Mapuche experience with this wonderful culture. And, by the way, you will support the efforts of this community to get ahead.

The ruca as the center of the Mapuche experience

Mapuche ruca
Mapuche ruca – Pablo Trincado /

A ruca is a place of communal habitation, typical of the Mapuche culture. It has a circular shape, a top vent and an entrance ‘where the sun rises’. It is a space to stay and eat around a fire called kütralwe, a central element of the Mapuche experience.

It is also a ritual space, for reflection, where decisions that benefit or affect the community are made. Symbolically, it is the means of connection with the earth and the cosmos.

Today there are initiatives to recover this type of housing and recover tradition. This is the case of Sandra Rain, who offers the opportunity to stay in an authentic ruca. You will find it in the city of Lumaco.

The river of life and time

Truful River
Truful River

To cross the rivers of the Araucanía is to come into contact with a good part of the fauna and flora of the region. But it is also a journey through the history of the Mapuches, when the river was the commercial route to exchange products with other communities through barter.

This is the community project of lafquenche , devised by María Ñancuán. It consists of a fluvial, ecological and cultural route that begins in Toltén and continues along the Boldo river to Queule.

The journey ends at the Tomás Ñancuán indigenous dock. There, it is possible to stay in a ruca and carry out daily activities to complete the day-to-day experience of the Mapuche community.

Bird man

Lorenzo Aillapan
Lorenzo Aillapán – TEDx UFRO /

Occupying an important place within the Mapuche community, its emblematic characters constitute the most valuable wealth of this culture. Their knowledge and ancestral wisdom renew and keep alive the spirit of an entire people.

This is the case of Lorenzo Aillapán, musician, poet and imitator of bird songs, known as the bird man by his community. With him, the Mapuche experience is engraved in the memory.

Few like Aillapán represent the cultural values ​​of the Mapuche people, which is why it was declared in 2012 as a Living Treasure by UNESCO. His house is located in Puerto Saavedra, and there you can visit him to soak up the ancestral wisdom of the Mapuche culture.

The weaver of dreams

Mapuche loom
Mapuche loom – Marco Antonio Correa Flores / Wikimedia Commons

It is a tradition in the Mapuche culture that knowledge and wisdom are transmitted from older people to younger people. This is the case of Juanita Becerra, who learned from her mother, who in turn learned from her grandmother, the art of weaving on a loom.

As tradition dictates, Juanita carries out the entire process, that is, from shearing the sheep to weaving on a loom. And in between, dye the wool with native plants and combine designs and colors. These have a very strong symbolic power within their culture.

This kind and big-hearted weaver offers a guided tour of country life, plants, animals, landscapes and traditions. His workshop is located in Curarrehue.

The Mapuche experience is like the spice of life

Budi Lake in Chile
Budi Lake

The Budi is one of the most important lakes in Araucanía and it has brackish water. In the past it was one of the main communication channels of the Mapuche culture. It is located between the communes of Saavedra and Teodoro Schmidt.

A good number of activities of the Mapuche people are concentrated here, such as weaving, handicrafts, entertainment, gastronomy and excursions in the surroundings. You can also observe artisanal fishing and dry farming activities. The Mapuche experience in all its fullness.

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