Stroll Through The City Of Cádiz, The Oldest In The West

Three thousand years of history have passed between the ancient Phoenician city of Gadir and today’s Cádiz. A city that has been the scene of great historical events and is always full of life.
Stroll through the city of Cádiz, the oldest in the West

They say that the city of Cádiz is the oldest in Europe.  It is estimated that the Phoenicians founded it around 1,100 BC. That is, we are facing a city with no less than three thousand years of history. That alone is worth knowing. But also, it has countless charms. Are you coming with us to meet her?

What to see and do in the city of Cádiz

Cádiz, in addition to being a historic city, is a maritime city. Both elements come together and give shape to an incredible place in which to walk and have a unique experience. There is so much to see and enjoy here. The ones that we are going to show you are just some of its treasures.

The bay of Cádiz

La Caleta beach in the city of Cádiz
La Caleta Beach

The city of Cádiz is closely linked to the sea. Its bay is one of the most beautiful in Spain. In it you will see small colorful boats and from it you will enjoy magical sunsets. Therefore, it is one of the most photogenic places in the city.

It is essential to walk along the beach of La Caleta and its promenade. At its ends you will see two castles: Santa Catalina and San Sebastián. The second has a concrete walkway that allows you to reach it from the shore.

The historic center

Cádiz seafront
Cádiz – Vlada Photo /

There is no better place to photograph in the city of Cádiz than its historic center. It is made up of small cobbled and narrow streets. Each one of them is different, and each one has different architectural elements to enjoy.

Get lost  in them and soak up their atmosphere and the smell of the sea and good food in the city. Perhaps you will arrive at the Viña neighborhood, an old fishermen’s neighborhood. And you will surely cross the Pópulo neighborhood, the oldest in the city. Do not miss the one in Santa María, the cradle of flamenco in Cádiz.


Cadiz Cathedral
Cadiz Cathedral

There is no cathedral in the world like the one in Cádiz. It stands out for its two colors, so different that they stand out. It is because the temple was built in two different times and, therefore, with the materials of the moment.

It is worth noting the beauty of its lines, its magnificent choir and its domes. But also, you can climb its bell tower. From it you will get wonderful views of the bay of Cádiz. There is no better viewpoint to enjoy the charms of this beautiful city.

Flower market and square

Its old food market is one of the jewels of Cádiz. A nineteenth-century construction that is still in operation and that is worth visiting, since it was renovated not many years ago.

And you should n’t miss the Plaza de las Flores either. It is occupied in its central part by lively and colorful stalls. At one end you will see the Post and Telegraph building, decorated with glazed ceramics.

Oratory of San Felipe Neri

Oratory of San Felipe Neri in the city of Cádiz
Oratory of San Felipe Neri – Pepe Rodríguez Cordon /

If there is a place with special meaning and relevance in Cádiz, this is it. Here the Spanish Constitution of 1812 was devised and signed. It is located very close to the historic center of the city.

The building dates from the 18th century and is something beautiful to see, but the most interesting thing is its history and the importance it had in the history of Spain.

The province of Cádiz

Caños de Meca – ANDARA RUTAS /

In addition to the beauty of the city of Cádiz, you have to know the province. Here you can enjoy some of the most beautiful beaches on the Spanish coast. Among others, those of Bolonia, Caños de Meca, Zahara de los Atunes or Trafalgar stand out.

And, in the interior, you have to do the White Villages Route. A route that will take you through wonderful villages with whitewashed facades and a unique charm. Towns such as Olvera, Algodonales, Setenil de las Bodegas or Grazalema.

You have already seen that the city of Cádiz is a wonderful city wherever there are, with the smell of the sea, with an unforgettable essence and with an interesting history. We encourage you to pay a visit and get to know it thoroughly. Without forgetting, of course, other treasures of the province.

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