The Interesting Gastronomy Of Guatemala

The gastronomy of Guatemala has strong indigenous influences, harmoniously combined with Spanish and African imprints. It is an artisan gastronomy, full of color, flavor and variety.
The interesting gastronomy of Guatemala

The gastronomy of Guatemala is determined by its geography and its cultural diversity. Regarding the first aspect, the country has an irregular and highly varied topography, as well as two seas. This gives it a great variety of climates and products during most of the year.

Regarding the cultural aspect, the gastronomy of Guatemala was originally Mayan. However, with the arrival of the Spanish during the conquest, in the 16th century, a process of miscegenation took place. In addition, in the northeast of Guatemala influences from the Garífuna culture are added, that is, descendants of the African culture.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the possibilities of Guatemalan dishes are endless. Corn, chocolate, beans, chili peppers, vinilla, peppermint, coconut, banana and samat, among many others, are part of the diet of that country. If you want to know the extraordinary food of Guatemala, continue to delight yourself with what follows.

Kak ik, typical of the gastronomy of Guatemala

Plate of kak ik, typical of the gastronomy of Guatemala
Kak ik – Jose Wolff /

It is typical of the Q’eqchi ‘region and has been declared a cultural heritage site. Its ingredients include turkey in large portions and different types of chili peppers. It also has bell pepper, garlic, onion, coriander, spearmint, sesame, pepper, achiote and salt. It is usual to add green branches of onion and pepitoria.

Its preparation starts from cooking the main ingredient, which is turkey, in salted water, onion branches, mint and coriander. Later, the other ingredients are added and it is accompanied with tortillas, tamales or rice.


Enchilada from Guatemala
Enchilada – Gaby Av /

The Guatemalan version of the enchiladas has nothing to envy the Mexican ones. They are crunchy and have an exquisite flavor. They constitute a central element in the gastronomy of Guatemala. The basic ingredients in this recipe are beef and pork, garlic, and onion.

In Guatemala it is customary to accompany meals with tanning, which consists of a vegetable salad slightly fermented with vinegar. The tanning for this particular dish includes carrots, peas, cabbage, beets, lettuce, oregano and vinegar, among others.

As for the preparation, the meats are cooked in water with branches of onion, tomato, salt and pepper. Then vegetables, seasonings and other ingredients are added. The preparation is left to rest overnight before consuming it.

Paches, a classic of Guatemalan gastronomy

Typical tamales

Patches are a traditional food. It is usually prepared on Thursdays and they are similar to tamales. The base of its ingredients is found in the potato and the recado, which is a mixture of various spices with a reddish appearance.

Among its ingredients are, of course, potatoes, tomatoes, oil, pepitoria, chili peppers, chicken, different types of bread and vegetable leaves to wrap. For its preparation, the potatoes are boiled in salted water and mashed together with butter.

The striped breads, seasonings and other ingredients are added. The patches are then assembled in the center of a sheet. Finally, they are tied and cooked for three hours with little water.


Hilachas are another of the highly appreciated dishes of Guatemalan gastronomy, especially for their exquisite flavor and delicate texture. The base of his recipe is in beef and tomato. It also has chili peppers, onion, coriander, pepper, potatoes, carrots, vegetable oil, bread, achiote and salt.

For its preparation, the meat is cooked with salt in a little water, the broth is reserved and the meat is shredded. In another container the tomato is cooked, along with the chilies and the other ingredients. Then these are liquefied, while a frying pan is prepared in which they are fried with a splash of oil.

The potatoes and carrots are incorporated and while the fat is removed from the surface of the broth that was reserved. Finally, the meat, broth and other ingredients are mixed. It is served with rice, avocado and white tamarind.

Beans with chicharrón

Bean dish
Beans – Luisfi / Wikimedia Commons

The different varieties of beans are a fundamental part of the gastronomy of Guatemala. And beans with chicharrón are one of the most popular dishes in the whole country. Among the ingredients are red beans, tomato, garlic, onion, squash, salt and pork rinds.

For its preparation, the beans should be soaked from the day before to hydrate. They are then cooked in a pressure cooker for 30 minutes in salted water. Apart, in a comal or frying pan, put the tomatoes to brown, along with the onion and garlic. Then this preparation is liquefied and passed through the strainer.

Additionally, a squash seed is roasted, which is then macerated and everything is liquefied as a whole. To finish, all the ingredients are mixed together with the pork rinds and cook again for 20 minutes. It is accompanied with tortillas or rice.

Seafood capped

This dish is typical of the coastal region of Izabal and is another of the delicacies of the gastronomy of Guatemala. It has fish, shrimp, clams, oysters, crabs, crabs, squid, coconut milk, chopped cilantro, green plantains, onion, garlic, lemon and yucca. For its preparation, all the marine products are cooked in a large pot with water and salt for 25 minutes.

In addition, the peel of the bananas is removed and they are cut into slices and the peels are preserved. The cassava rind is removed, cut into small pieces and added to the pot. Then it continues to cook for 20 minutes, the other ingredients are added, more water is added and it cooks for 10 more minutes. It is served with a few drops of lemon and chopped coriander.

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