The Most Beautiful Waterfalls In Spain

The most beautiful waterfalls in Spain

Due to the climatic variations of its different territories, Spain is a country of very diverse natural attractions: from desert areas to humid and lush forests, passing through dreamy beaches or white mountains. The Iberian Peninsula has countless places that are worth visiting, including wonderful waterfalls.

In Spain there are countless waterfalls, but the ones that we are going to visit have a unique character that makes them possessing a magical and exceptional beauty. We started a fantastic tour.

Galicia, waterfalls of legend

Ézaro waterfall

Ézaro waterfall
Ézaro Waterfall, A Coruña – Sergiy1975

In A Coruña we can visit the Fervenza do Ézaro, which is also known as the Jallas waterfall, a nickname that is assigned from time to time in relation to the river from which its waters come.

The old stories tell that in ancient times the power with which this aquifer torrent fell down the walls of Mount Pindo was immense, so much so that the crews of the ships that approached the coast were guided by the curtain of water that rose when the water of the waterfall collides with the sea.

Today it is one of the greatest attractions of the Costa da Morte during the day … and at night, because there is a lighting system so that you can contemplate the waterfall when the sun has gone down. A wonderful show that, however, can only be enjoyed on certain dates, so it is advisable to check dates and times if you want to see it.

Asturias, waterfalls in a green paradise

Xiblu waterfall

Xiblu waterfall in Asturias
Xiblu waterfall, Asturias – LFRabanedo

Inside the Las Ubiñas-La Mesa Natural Park, protected by the beautiful Cantabrian mountain range, we find the Xiblu waterfall. Its name, of bable origin, means whistle and refers to the sound that its waters make when they fall.

The natural beauty of this wooded area is such that hiking through it is recommended until finally reaching the surprise produced by the approach to the waterfall. In reality there are three jumps that save a drop of around 100 meters.

The nature walk can be carried out at any time of the year, both in hot and cold seasons. The route is perfectly signposted,

Castilla y León and its fantastic waterfalls

Pedrosa de Tobalina (Burgos)

Waterfall in Pedrosa de Tobalina
Pedros de Tobalina – Francisco Javier Gil

In Burgos we will run into one of the most beautiful waterfalls on the peninsula. In Pedrosa de Tobalina the water falls forming a beautiful curtain that exceeds one hundred meters in length.

It is advisable to visit it in late winter and early spring. During this period of time the flow is more abundant due to the melting of the snowy peaks. However, the inhabitants of the nearby valley also tend to come in summer to take a dip.

Orbaneja del Castillo (Burgos)

Orbaneja del Castillo waterfall
Orbaneja del Castillo – Jaime Juan /

We continue in Burgos to visit the charming town of Orbaneja del Castillo. It is a little known small village, although it is one of the most curious in Castilla y León.

At the top of the town, in the Cueva del Agua, a torrent arises that falls with force and crosses the village  to fall into the Ebro river in a drop of 25 meters.

Well of Smokes (Salamanca)

Well of Smokes in Salamanca
Well of Smoke – Xena2011 /

On the path of the Uces river, within the Arribes del Duero Natural Park, it is possible to see a thick cloud of steam of great extension. This mist indicates the place where the magnificent Well of Smoke is located.

It is a 50-meter waterfall, impressive for its strength. Even Miguel de Unamuno himself was captivated by her beauty.

To enjoy the show, there are several viewpoints. But you must bear in mind that summer is not the best time to visit these waterfalls. In the vicinity, due to a bifurcation of the current, it is possible to see another waterfall called Pozo de las Vacas.

Waterfalls in Castilla la Mancha

The Reventón of the Mundo river (Albacete)

Waterfall on the Mundo river
Rio Mundo, Albacete – mlorente

The source of the Mundo river is located in the Calares del Río Mundo y de la Sima Natural Park. There we see one of the most interesting spectacles of nature.

The pressure at which the water is propelled at the origin of this flow is impressive. This is what made the locals call this phenomenon the Reventón del Río Mundo, a name that, little by little, has been replacing the original.

Mountaineering experts usually come to enjoy climbing these steep slopes until they reach the well-known Cueva de los Chorros, the grotto through whose walls the fall of the waterfall is projected.

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