Tips For Traveling To Rome For The First Time

Rome is a city with so many attractions that it can overwhelm a first-time visitor. If this is your case, these tips are for you.
Tips for traveling to Rome for the first time

Rome is one of the best known cities in the world. They say that whoever visits it once has to come back. We have already been with you several times, but we want you to join us again, because there are several tips that you should take into account in case you decide to travel to Rome for the first time.

Traveling to Rome for the first time, what do you have to bear in mind?

When you go to a city for the first time, it is likely that you are going crazy looking for someone who has already been to advise you on what to visit, how to move or any other advice that is useful to you. You no longer have to keep looking, we want to help you enjoy Rome. Take good note.


Book your accommodation well in advance. As we told you, Rome is one of the most desired cities by all, so, although there is a wide range of accommodation, it is also true that the demand is enormous. The sooner you choose it, the better prices you can have and the less chance of running out of what you are looking for.

The museums

Gallery of classical sculptures in the Vatican Museum.
Vatican Museums

On the last Sunday of the month you can enter the Vatican Museums for free,  and on the first Sunday of the month to all the other museums in the city. Believe it or not, this is a considerable money saver.

Also, if you want to enjoy these treasures, that will give you an idea of ​​when to catch the flights. If you are going to stay for a week, you can arrive on Saturday night and leave the following Sunday night or Monday morning and thus be able to enjoy both offers. How about?

The churches

Basilica of Saint Peter
Basilica of Saint Peter

If you are visiting Rome for the first time, you will surely want to see some of its churches. But don’t worry, there are about a thousand in the city. Choose the ones that interest you the most and look at the opening hours, they may vary from one to another, especially in the afternoons.

By the way, admission is free, even in St. Peter’s Basilica. Of course, to enter this you have to be prepared to wait. Security measures mean that the queues can be very long. By the way, don’t miss the other major basilicas in Rome, they are wonderful.

Move around the city

View of rome

One of the best ways to enjoy the charm of Rome is to walk. Download a GPS offline, it  will come in handy to move around the city. Although you already know that if you are from the European Union you can use your mobile and data network without extra costs.

And very important: remember to wear  comfortable clothes and shoes. If you plan to walk, proper footwear is essential. And the clothes, the more comfortable, the better.

When you get tired of walking, you can use public transport in Rome. They will take you anywhere in the city. But it never hurts to have the Uber application or contacts to order taxis.

Other tips

Fontana di Trevi
Fontana di Trevi

To enjoy Rome for the first time, there are other little details that you should know. Are these:

  • If you are going to visit churches, remember to wear covered shoulders and clothing below the knee.
  • Bring a bottle of water. Since you will walk a lot, you will drink a lot. But when you run out of the bottle, do not buy another, fill it at any source, there are many and the quality of the water in the city is good.
  • Do you want an ideal photo? Do not go to the most characteristic monuments during the day. If you want an almost perfect photo at the Trevi Fountain, better get up early or go late. There will always be people, but less than in the central hours of the day.
  • And if you plan to move by public transport and visit many places in a short time, buy a tourist card such as the  Omnia Card or the Roma Pass.

Have you already taken good note of these tips to enjoy when you travel to Rome for the first time? Your visit will be unforgettable and you will surely fall in love with the city.

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