Typical Dishes From Zaragoza That You Must Try

Meats, and especially lamb, star in many of the dishes of Zaragoza’s gastronomy. But there are other delicacies that must also be tried.
Typical dishes of Zaragoza that you must try

One of the ways to get to know the place we are traveling to is by tasting its gastronomy. In this case, we are going to Aragon, we want to try the typical dishes of Zaragoza. And we already anticipate that the city and the province are characterized by their varied and delicious cuisine.

But before trying those typical Zaragoza dishes , we want to whet your appetite by giving you reasons to at least visit the Aragonese capital, a city with many places of interest.

Why visit Zaragoza

Basilica of Our Lady of Pilar in Zaragoza
Basilica del Pilar – NaughtyNut

Zaragoza is a historical city where they exist, with a millenary history and with wonderful monuments and museums that will catch your interest. Among the charms that you cannot miss in this city are :

  • Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar: it is a wonderful baroque temple and one of the main pilgrimage centers in Spain. Inside, jewels such as some frescoes by Goya or a major altarpiece from the 16th century await you that will leave you speechless.
  • Palacio de la Aljafería:  this Mudejar-style fortress is one of the city’s greatest pride. A beautiful 11th century building that, although it has been reformed and restored, is still capable of taking us back to the time of the Taifa.
  • Stone Bridge: it  is the oldest in the city. A Gothic-style bridge built in the 15th century.

And there is much more to visit, from the Seo to the ruins of the ancient Roman Caesar Augusta, passing through authentic jewels of Mudejar art. And now yes, tired and hungry, we went on to taste the typical dishes of Zaragoza, one more addition to making a visit to the city.

The typical dishes of Zaragoza

Eating the most typical of the place we visit is part of the trip, the adventure and the importance of immersing ourselves in its culture and traditions. Therefore, in Zaragoza, these are some of the dishes you should try :

1. Ternasco de Aragón

Ternasco de Aragón
Joan Grífols / Flcikr.com

In the same way that when we speak of Ávila we think of the suckling pig, when we speak of Zaragoza, we think of the lamb. It is a young lamb meat, very tender and tasty, that will delight your palate.

Although it is cooked in different ways, the most exquisite is baked, with its own juice and on a potato base. A dish that you can try in the most traditional restaurants of the city.

2. Chicken chilindrón

Chicken with chilindrón, one of the typical dishes of Zaragoza
morguix1 / Flickr.com

This famous recipe is heard throughout the country, but few are those who know that it originates from Zaragoza. It is a chicken in sauce that appears to be red in color, due to the sauce that is made with tomato, garlic and red peppers and is dressed with a little sweet or hot paprika, depending on the consumer’s taste.

3. Loin of Zaragoza

Another of the dishes that defines the gastronomy of Zaragoza is the loin of Zaragoza that is cooked with tomato, olives, pieces of ham, sherry wine, parsley and hard-boiled egg. Is your mouth watering? Just for trying this delicious delicacy, Zaragoza is worth visiting.

4. Borage with potatoes

Pablo B / Flickr.com

Borage is widely used in Aragonese cuisine and is one of the most typical dishes of Zaragoza. The original recipe is based on borage cooked with potatoes and a little toasted bread is added to it. Then it is seasoned with oil, garlic, salt and lemon. It is eaten cold as a salad.

5. Salmorrejo eggs

This is one of the typical dishes of Zaragoza that you will surely not try anywhere else. Like traditional cuisine, they are made in a clay pot where asparagus tips are added with minced garlic and parsley. Then some eggs are poached and sausage and bacon are added.

This has been our tour of Zaragoza and its gastronomy. Typical dishes from Zaragoza that are still made in the most traditional way. Be sure to try these or some other delicacies that the people of Zaragoza themselves recommend. Your palate will enjoy it.


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