Visit The Great Barrier Reef In Australia

It is one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet. A 2,600-kilometer-long barrier that can be seen from space.
Visit the Great Barrier Reef in Australia

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest coral reef in the world, which is home to a great diversity of marine species. In addition, it is considered a World Heritage Site by Unesco. Do you need more reasons to visit it? If you want to know more about this natural wonder, don’t stop reading.

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia , a natural wonder

Great Barrier Reef in Australia
Edward haylan

The Great Barrier Reef is located in the Coral Sea and stretches from Tropical North Queensland (north) to Bundaberg (south).  It is about 2,600 kilometers long and covers an area of ​​almost 350,000 km². With these figures it is not surprising that it can be seen from space.

Likewise, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is considered by some to be the largest living animal in the world, although in reality it is the millenary accumulation of numerous skeletons of coral colonies. It contains a very diverse marine fauna or, in other words, more than 1,800 different species.

Among the species that can be seen in this fabulous coral reef, we should mention about 125 types of sharks, more than 5,000 mollusks, a great variety of fish (clown, blue surgeons, barracudas, eagle rays …), jellyfish, turtles marinas and a long etcetera.

Unfortunately, the Great Barrier Reef has been threatened in recent years as a result of global warming. This is because corals are especially sensitive to changes in temperature that the ocean experiences. In fact, a good number of them have died and much of the reef has lost its colors.

Practical information for visiting the Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef in Australia
Kyle Taylor /

There are several ways to see the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Perhaps the best way to discover its beauty is to snorkel or dive, thanks to its clear temperate waters and easy access.

One of the most prominent places as a destination of origin is Cairns, a city where many excursions are organized and from which to visit the Flynn and Milln reefs.

But there are many other points where the adventure can begin. Ribbon and Osprey Reef is the most recommended place for expert divers. And SS Yongala, is ideal if you are looking to see a wreck.

On the other hand, South West Rocks is a marine park that is home to numerous nurse sharks. You can also admire the barrier reef at Byron Bay, in the Brisbane area, or from Lord Howe Island, a group of islands outside the Great Barrier Reef.

Other important aspects

Fish in the Great Barrier Reef
Richard Ling /

Taking into account some of the dive sites that we have just seen, each one must choose the one that best suits their skills and preferences, since, for example, the depth varies from one place to another. You also have to keep the weather in mind: from December to February there is more visibility and the water is warmer.

Another way to get to know the Great Barrier Reef and admire its magnitude is by flying over it in a small plane. It can be caught from Cairns airport. The price depends on the duration of the tour (from half to an hour), but it ranges between 110 and 170 euros. The amount is higher in case a helicopter is chosen.

Other activities on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia

Great Barrier Reef in Australia
wo from shijie /

In addition to scuba diving or taking a plane tour, the most daring can go skydiving over the Great Barrier Reef. The starting point is Cairns, and after a flight of about 25 minutes you have to launch from a height of more than 3,000 meters, which is equivalent to 30 seconds of free fall.

Those who prefer a more relaxed plan have the great possibility of visiting the Reef HQ Aquarium of Townsville, an aquarium that houses a hospital for turtles. These can also be seen at the Heron Island Resort, where the reptiles in question lay their eggs and hatch between the months of November and March.

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