We Cross The Most Spectacular Canyons On The Planet

We cross the most spectacular canyons on the planet

Little by little, over millions of years, the water and the wind have eroded the rock. A slow but incessant work that has resulted in fabulous gorges that today give true vertigo, but whose beauty mesmerizes. We want to take you to some of the most spectacular canyons on the planet, and they are not always so because of their size.

1. Antelope Canyon, United States

Antelope Canyon in the United States
Antelope Canyon – worldswildlifewonders

It is not the greatest, nor the deepest; It is not the most famous either, but few doubt that it is one of the most spectacular canyons that can be visited. The sinuous shapes of the rock, the unique colors and the reflected light make this canyon a place of true fantasy. Where is it located? In the state of Arizona.

2. Canyon of the river Sil, Spain

Sil river canyon
Sil River Canyon – Migel

In Galician lands, the Sil River has been excavating a canyon for thousands of years in which today the slopes reach 500 meters, offering landscapes of enormous beauty. This beauty is partly due to those imposing walls and the river itself winding between them, but it is also due to the terraces where vines are grown, the grapes of which are used to make the exquisite Ribeira Sacra wine.

3. Talampaya Canyon, Argentina

Talampaya Canyon in Argentina
Talampaya Canyon – Patricio Agullo

Walls that seem cut with a knife and a striking reddish color make this canyon a unique place. That and very close, and forming part of the same national park, you can see curious rocks that show how erosion is able to masterfully mold the stone to make the most peculiar formations.

4. Sumidero Canyon, Mexico

Sumidero Canyon in Mexico
Sumidero Canyon – IsisArJi / Flickr.com

The Grijalva river runs through this canyon between walls that reach 1,300 meters in height. A canyon that can be enjoyed while navigating, but also from the top, where there are various viewpoints that allow you to admire the enormous natural wealth of a place that was nominated to be one of the “7 natural wonders”.

5. Colca Canyon, Peru

Colca canyon in Peru
Colca canyon – saiko3p

It has a depth that exceeds 3,600 meters in the south and 4,100 in the north, and extends for 200 kilometers. It is thus one of the deepest canyons on the planet. Spectacular from any point of view, but nothing like marveling at the view offered from the Cruz del Cóndor viewpoint.

6. Gorges of the river Verdon, France

Gorges of the river Verdon in France
Verdon river gorge – totajla

In Provence, the Gorges du Verdon offer one of the most spectacular landscapes in southern Europe. Walls that reach 700 meters in height in 25 winding kilometers. A route in which the greenish-turquoise color of the waters of the river that has excavated it powerfully draws attention.

7. Waimea Canyon, Hawaii

Waimea Canyon in Hawaii
Waimea Canyon – MNStudio

It is the deepest canyon in the Pacific. It is on the island of Kauai and has a route of 16 kilometers between walls that touch a thousand meters. One of the most incredible canyons for its depth, for the vegetation that covers it and for the waterfalls that fall from its walls. And not only that, but this is one of the rainiest places on the planet.

8. Itaimbezinho Canyon, Brazil

Itambezinho Canyon in Brazil
Itambezinho canyon – mspoli

It is barely six kilometers long, but the image it offers is spectacular. Its vertical walls, which reach 700 meters, at some points almost seem to rub against each other. Walls practically covered by vegetation and between which incredible waterfalls fall. One of those places yet to be discovered.

9. Fish River Canyon, Namibia

Fish River Canyon
Fish River Canyon – Fabian Plock

It is one of the most spectacular canyons, and above all large, on the planet. It is 160 kilometers long, 27 wide and in some points its depth exceeds 500 meters. A place as beautiful as it is extreme, where temperatures can exceed 40ºC and where the Fish River can be practically a thread of water or a huge torrent, depending on the season.

10. The king of the most spectacular canyons: Colorado, United States

Canyon of the Colorado, one of the most spectacular canyons
Colorado Canyon – Keneva Photography

It is the Grand Canyon, the best known, the most photographed, the most desired by many tourists. Of course, it is also one of the most beautiful, with its more than 2,400 meters deep. From the air or from the depths, the panorama is always fabulous, but nothing like contemplating it from the Skywalk, a glass walkway suspended 1,200 meters above sea level.

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